Hook up with hot gay men at Lewis Creek Park in Bellevue
  • Lewis Creek Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Bellevue
    • Neighbourhood: Park
    • Address: Lakemont Boulevard South East
  • Viewed: 53641
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: This is a park up on Lakemont Blvd, near the fire station. It has a walking trail that isn't used much and is great for out door play, there are also large, unused bathrooms that fun can be had. There are two restrooms at this park - one at the main entrance next to the ball fields in an interpretive centre and the other one is next to a picnic area and a smaller parking lot. The smaller one is the one to go to.

    Facilities: There's an even newer rest room just north of the main park. The "family" rest room is large, with a lockable door. There is parking available, or you could walk there from the main parking area.