Hook up with hot gay men at Terminal 107 Park in Seattle
  • Terminal 107 Park

  • Website link:
    • City: Seattle
    • Neighbourhood: West Seattle
    • Address: 4500 Duwamish Trail
  • Viewed: 590029
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: There's a paved walking trail from the paved parking area next to the former Grayline bus yard, which winds down toward the river and ends at a single bench. To the left of the bench, there's a trail that winds through the marsh and continues for about half a mile, until it ends at a point in the middle of the river. There are many hidden spots along the way, which veer off the trail. The foliage is very sparse, providing poor cover for any kind of action you want here.

    Note: there are two adjacent parks here, each with its parking area. The Terminal 107 Park is to the south; it's operated by the Port of Seattle. The parking lot here is gated at 9 pm.

    Just north of here is Herring's House Park, which is run by the city. It's open from 4:30 am to 11:30 pm. The best cruising there is along the riverside trail: head north, then ford the inlet when the tide is low, and cross to the other side. No one is over there but fellow cruisers!