Hook up with hot gay men at Woodland Park Plateau in Seattle
  • Woodland Park Plateau

  • Website link:
    • City: Seattle
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 1000 North 50th Street
  • Viewed: 226305
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Find a place to park and walk around. There are actually three restrooms in this area of the park. One is directly off of 50th Street, west of Greenlake Way, and is nestled in trees by picnic shelters. It has two stalls with cement walls and no doors. Another is at the top of the hill, just off of Hwy 99 (and has two oddly placed glory holes as of this update on 4/9/20). The other restroom is a few hundred yards north of the hilltop and down a sloped parking lot. That one is next to the bowling greens and has two stalls with the wall in between them mostly removed.

    The northmost washrooms have two glory holes between the two stalls.