Hook up with hot gay men at Turtle Creek Greenway Trail in Beloit
  • Turtle Creek Greenway Trail

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Beloit
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: Milwaukee Rd
  • Viewed: 10525
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: This is a wooded park next to Turtle Creek. There are two meet-up spots. From the parking lot, the first one is on the small loop to the left. Take the side trail after the post with graffiti.
    If you continue on the main trail, there are four smaller side trails again on your left leading to the river with some coverage/privacy; the second and third are the best of the four. I think you're more apt to be playful there where you can't see anyone on the man trail
    For the second one, from the parking lot take 50-60 strides straight ahead and look to your left for a generally open wide path. Follow it all the way in and look to the right for a trail, it leads to a wide-open clearing. Happy hunting!